Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Grand Palace

We were excited to finally tour the Grand Palace here in Bangkok in August.  We had heard so much about it but never had the time to go.  One day, we just happened to be in the area with nothing to do that afternoon, so WE WENT!  And it is awesome to see!  Look at the photos and see if you agree.

Now, you know why they call it the Grand Palace!!  It is pretty grand indeed!  And the man standing there in our photo?  Don't know him!  But you'd think it was planned for him to be there! :)

The palace grounds were stunning!
The British guards have nothing on these guys!
(Manning boys: see the elephant!  The Thais love their elephants!)
Elder's new buddy.  He's glad this guy's not his companion!!
Sister is, too!
(amazing detail on these figurines!)
You get close enough to realize that what makes these sparkle in the sun are tiny individual pieces of glass (or mirrors) that are glued to the exterior of the building.  Amazing!
One crowded place!
It was a fun day in Bangkok!
Some people call this a temple site.  But we know a REAL temple site is nothing like this!
We long to see the day when the Thai people are introduced to the real thing.
Until then, we will continue to love the people and share the message of the gospel with them every chance we get.


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